Sunday, November 05, 2006

Getting Around

We are getting pretty good at getting around now. There are two major modes of travel: tuk-tuk and songthaew (pronounced song tow- as in "ow, that hurt!").

The tuk-tuk is a motorcycle with a backseat for about two people. They are open to the air and crazy. There are no road rules here. We can travel for about 50 Baht (36 aht=$1.00) across town.

The songthaew is a small truck that has a canopy with two benches running along each side in the back. It is also open on the sides with an open door in the back. The price is similar to the tuk-tuk, but more fun, as you get to ride with the locals.

Ty really likes the tuk-tuks and prefers to ride in them.


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